Thursday, April 7, 2016

Transition Home

The experience of becoming fully immersed into a country I have had previously no contact with was something that will stick with me the rest of my life. Living in the community and working with the school taught me so much about the world and the impact that we can have, as well as the impact it has on ourselves. 12 days is such a short time and after the return to the United States I felt like there was something more I needed to do. Having the experience to work in a developing country opened me up and I realized how many skills I never even knew that I had. So now what? As an undergraduate student I am still struggling with the idea of what I want to do with my life after graduation. The experience in Uganda has opened my mind to the possibilities of continuing my travel, and working in places that really need the help. I have considered the Peace Core as well as other study abroad opportunities that can help me to build my skills in countries that are in need. The trip was a great learning opportunity for me. As much information as we tried to teach their teachers, I feel as though they have taught me twice as much in return. I discovered a passion for service, and the desire to help make a difference in the world. The trip to Uganda helped me to understand how we are all connected and the importance of working together not just as a country but as a human race.  
Photo: AAH student Namono Juliet and two younger siblings in front of their home

1 comment:

  1. Hello,

    I agree with you that being a tourist is different from being fully immersed into the community by working/volunteering as a teacher in the community. Going as a tourist, I feel is commercialized; however, going to volunteer in the community schools, then you really feel the true experience of the Ugandan community.

    You mention: "after the return to the United States I felt like there was something more I needed to do." I had the exact same feeling when I returned back to the United States, I felt that I have so much more to offer and felt the urge to provide it for my community.

    I agree with your statement: "As much information as we tried to teach their teachers, I feel as though they have taught me twice as much in return." Their passion, drive and motivation is something contagious!
